Lucy's blog

Lucy Quick - Principal of Perform

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29th August 2013

Is breast-feeding actually best?

I read this article in the Independent in June and it made me so cross that I couldn't bear to blog about it. However, following all the international coverage about The Duchess of Cambridge breast-feeding…

Tags: child development, News, Baby, children, parenting, Adjusting to New Babies, parents, breast-feeding

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6th December 2012

Early childhood stimulation - why three is the magic number

A friend forwarded me a really interesting article by journalist Simon Kuper in the FT magazine recently. It tells the story of how, in Jamaica in the 1980s, a group of community health workers began…

Tags: child development, Toddlers, Baby, children, parenting, Activities, play

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12th June 2012

Preparing your child for going into hospital

Next week, my two-and-a-half year old daughter is going into hospital to have a minor procedure. Because she's so young, I spoke to a friend who works as a Hospital Play Specialist about the best way…

Tags: child development, Baby, children, behaviour, parenting, Bedtime Routines, parents, reading, Hospital

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13th May 2012

Baby Signing - does it delay speech?

This post may be a little controversial (and I welcome your feedback) but I really don't agree with the concept of ?baby signing? which has become very fashionable these days. This is for one reason…

Tags: child development, Toddlers, Baby, children, parenting, Activities, vocal, Baby Signing

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22nd March 2012

Let's develop the child as a whole

One question that my teachers and I are frequently asked by Perform parents is ?Where should my child be at this stage?? And if I'm completely honest, as a mother myself, it's a question that I…

Tags: child development, Toddlers, Baby, Society's Labels, children, Games, behaviour, parenting, fun, confidence, drama, schools, Activities, parents, success, school, play

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20th February 2012

Why French Children Don't Throw Food

There’s been a lot of discussion in the press recently about Pamela Druckman’s intriguingly named book,  French Children Don’t Throw Food, which promises "parenting…

Tags: child development, drama, dance and singing, Toddlers, Baby, children, behaviour, parenting, Adjusting to New Babies, Bedtime Routines, confidence, concentration, parents, manners, writing

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24th November 2011

A Baby for all Seasons

A good friend of mine was told last week that her five-year-old daughter would always be at a disadvantage educationally because she had been born in July. This advice was given to her by an experienced…

Tags: child development, Baby, Debate, children, behaviour, parenting, Activities, school, birthday

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15th February 2011

Things to Do this Half Term

It's half term next week - seriously, this year is just flying by! As parents, it's often a bit daunting to figure out what to do with the children during half term - particularly in February…

Tags: Baby, children, Games, half term, Activities

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29th December 2009

Baby Steps for Bedtime Routines

Again, this week I thought I'd share one of my own experiences as a parent. With newborns it can be really difficult to get into a bedtime routine which works for both you, and the baby. Most parents…

Tags: Sleeping, Baby, Bedtime Routines

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19th December 2009

Helping Your Child Adjust to a New Baby

This week I thought I'd share a story about my own experiences as a Mum. Our son was 23 months when I brought our daughter home for the first time. Now, there are lots of different opinions over…

Tags: Siblings, Toddlers, Baby, children, behaviour, Adjusting to New Babies

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