Lucy's blog

Lucy Quick - Principal of Perform

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29th February 2012

Happy St David's day

When I was a child, my favourite days of the year, in order, were: 1) Christmas Day 2) My birthday 3) St David's Day The first two are obvious of course - they involve presents! But the third,…

Tags: children, parenting, fun, kids, confidence, Activities, parents, Traditions, Home, manners

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20th February 2012

Why French Children Don't Throw Food

There’s been a lot of discussion in the press recently about Pamela Druckman’s intriguingly named book,  French Children Don’t Throw Food, which promises "parenting…

Tags: child development, drama, dance and singing, Toddlers, Baby, children, behaviour, parenting, Adjusting to New Babies, Bedtime Routines, confidence, concentration, parents, manners, writing

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20th May 2011

Thank you mummy

Before I had my own children, I had very clear ideas about the way in which I was going to bring them up. Having taught so many and seen so many parents 'parent', I thought I knew it all. Hmmm... The…

Tags: child development, drama, dance and singing, children, behaviour, parenting, teaching, Traditions, manners, please and thank you

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