Lucy's blog

Lucy Quick - Principal of Perform

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19th February 2024

Why is drama good for children?

As Principal of a drama school, I'm asked this question a lot. And I could write a book on the many reasons why drama is so excellent - not just good - for children. But for this blog post, I'll…

Tags: child development, children, behaviour, confidence, drama, Activities, vocal, communication skills, dance and singing

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16th March 2017

Should emotions be taught in schools?

I recently came across a really interesting post on It discusses whether schools should start teaching emotions as well as other core subjects. You can read it here. I’d…

Tags: children, behaviour, teaching, development, emotions, feelings, teaching emotions

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2nd October 2014

What does drama bring to people?

I know I go on about this in my blogs but drama is SO powerful. I'm aware that some people see drama as a dispensable add-on in schools. An extra-curricular activity that's fun but not…

Tags: child development, Debate, children, behaviour, parenting, confidence, concentration, drama, communication skills, education

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12th September 2014

Why drama should be available to all children

I read an article in the Evening Standard recently where writer David Wood, who recently adapted Judith Kerr’s ‘The Tiger Who Came To Tea for the stage, talked about the importance…

Tags: child development, Debate, children, behaviour, parenting, confidence, concentration, drama, communication skills, education

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18th May 2014

Is choice a good thing?

  We are incredibly fortunate to live in a time where there are so many extra-curricular activities for our children to try and enjoy. When I was growing up in South Wales, my choices were limited…

Tags: behaviour, parenting, confidence, concentration, parents, choice

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10th June 2013

Children and shyness - are parents sometimes to blame?

Careful the things you say. Children will listen. Forgive me quoting one of my favourite Stephen Sondheim songs from Into the Woods but these are wise lyrics and I do think that we should be extremely…

Tags: child development, drama, dance and singing, children, behaviour, parenting, confidence, parents

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12th March 2013

Cracking the Whip

There was a really great piece by journalist Tanith Carey in the Sunday Times in December which I've been meaning to blog about for ages and I urge you to read. It's all about her daughter Lily's…

Tags: child development, children, behaviour, parenting, kids, parents, Home, success, education

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12th June 2012

Preparing your child for going into hospital

Next week, my two-and-a-half year old daughter is going into hospital to have a minor procedure. Because she's so young, I spoke to a friend who works as a Hospital Play Specialist about the best way…

Tags: child development, Baby, children, behaviour, parenting, Bedtime Routines, parents, reading, Hospital

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31st May 2012

Is your child being bullied?

No parent wants to hear that their child is the victim of bullying. However, statistics show that one in every three children is bullied so unfortunately it is something that we need to be aware of. Bullying…

Tags: child development, children, behaviour, parenting, drama, parents, bullying

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22nd March 2012

Let's develop the child as a whole

One question that my teachers and I are frequently asked by Perform parents is ?Where should my child be at this stage?? And if I'm completely honest, as a mother myself, it's a question that I…

Tags: child development, Toddlers, Baby, Society's Labels, children, Games, behaviour, parenting, fun, confidence, drama, schools, Activities, parents, success, school, play

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