Lucy's blog

Lucy Quick - Principal of Perform

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2nd October 2014

What does drama bring to people?

I know I go on about this in my blogs but drama is SO powerful. I'm aware that some people see drama as a dispensable add-on in schools. An extra-curricular activity that's fun but not…

Tags: child development, Debate, children, behaviour, parenting, confidence, concentration, drama, communication skills, education

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12th September 2014

Why drama should be available to all children

I read an article in the Evening Standard recently where writer David Wood, who recently adapted Judith Kerr’s ‘The Tiger Who Came To Tea for the stage, talked about the importance…

Tags: child development, Debate, children, behaviour, parenting, confidence, concentration, drama, communication skills, education

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20th March 2014

Don’t demoralise our teachers, Mr Gove!

  I recently read this in-depth article in The Guardian about the reasons teachers are leaving the profession. A number of teachers are interviewed about how targets and inspections are…

Tags: child development, News, Debate, teachers, education

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24th November 2011

A Baby for all Seasons

A good friend of mine was told last week that her five-year-old daughter would always be at a disadvantage educationally because she had been born in July. This advice was given to her by an experienced…

Tags: child development, Baby, Debate, children, behaviour, parenting, Activities, school, birthday

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11th September 2011

Are you confident when speaking in public?

Because of my background as an actress, I've always mixed with people who are pretty confident speaking on their own in front of large groups of people. It wasn't until I started Perform and attended…

Tags: child development, drama, dance and singing, Debate, children, Games, parenting, confidence, concentration, success, public speaking, communication skills

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11th August 2011

Routine or relax over the summer?

I really enjoyed watching this clip the other day. It's about whether you stuff your children's summer holidays with activities or just go with the flow and just chill. It's an interesting…

Tags: child development, Debate, children, parenting, half term, Activities, summer holidays, parents

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27th November 2009

The Long & the Short of it...

Earlier this week I read with interest an article on the SchoolGate blog by Sarah Ebner. I don't want to re-hash the article here, but by way of giving a little background - the article detailed…

Tags: child development, News, Debate, Society's Labels

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