Lucy's blog

Lucy Quick - Principal of Perform

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19th June 2011

And what do YOU want to do today darling?

I remember being very small and really not wanting to go to my ballet class (isn't it weird how certain childhood memories just stick?) I was standing at the top of the stairs and my Dad (a bit of…

Tags: child development, Siblings, children, behaviour, parenting, Activities, parents, success

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29th April 2010

Sibling Rivalry

Whilst sibling rivalry is common, it can be nonetheless upsetting for all involved. As a parent and as someone who deals with children on a daily basis, I've both experienced it first hand and have…

Tags: Siblings, children, behaviour, parenting, sibling rivalry, Arguments

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8th March 2010

Should Siblings Attend the Same School?

Yesterday I met a fellow Mummy for coffee and cake; her two children are a little older than mine - her eldest is 11 and her youngest is 9. To date, (that is to say, until her eldest started secondary…

Tags: Siblings, children, schools, Choosing Schools

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19th December 2009

Helping Your Child Adjust to a New Baby

This week I thought I'd share a story about my own experiences as a Mum. Our son was 23 months when I brought our daughter home for the first time. Now, there are lots of different opinions over…

Tags: Siblings, Toddlers, Baby, children, behaviour, Adjusting to New Babies

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