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27th November 2024
Helping Your Child Learn Their Lines quickly
As a parent, I know the challenges of helping my children learn their lines for a show. In my role as Principal of Perform, I help develop our scripts, train our teachers, and create lesson plans and show…
25th November 2024
Lucy's top 10 tips for children's theatre etiquette
The Christmas holidays can be the first time children have been to the theatre, be it to see a Panto or a family show. Live performances should be a relaxing and enjoyable experience but, how do we…
8th October 2024
Why sing? - The joys and benefits of singing
As my long-suffering children will tell you, I love to sing. I sing all the time. It’s something that’s always been a huge part of my life - from growing up in Wales (where we all do it!), to…
5th April 2024
Teaching positive body language
I am a huge advocate of Positive Body Language - for example: shoulders back, head held high, standing tall and good eye contact - to make me feel more confident in certain situations. I genuinely…
19th February 2024
Why is drama good for children?
As Principal of a drama school, I'm asked this question a lot. And I could write a book on the many reasons why drama is so excellent - not just good - for children. But for this blog post, I'll…
10th January 2024
Every week throughout the term, we have a different "life skill" focus running through everything we teach. These can range from the specific such as Eye Contact, or…
20th November 2023
A few years ago we conducted a survey with Perform parents. What they were most concerned about was their children's communication skills being stunted by the digital age. Too much spending time online…
27th June 2023
Things to do with your kids this summer
Make a summer holiday playlist. With more time for music at home during school holidays (no rushed breakfasts or evening homework), why not create a holiday playlist where each family member gets…
2nd May 2023
Shakespeare is most celebrated playright and poem and his works have spawned many phrases that we use today, and whilst his writing can be seen as challenging, there are ways that we can make it more…
15th November 2022
4 ways magic can conjure up a well-rounded child
This term's 4-7s theme, The Magician's Chamber, is an spellbinding adventure into Ancient Britain and, at half-term, thousands of children and parents enjoyed our West End musical, Magical…