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2nd March 2021
World Book Day - 6 ways to get your child to read
On the first Thursday of every March, millions of children celebrate World Book Day - a charity funded by publishers and book -sellers across the UK and Ireland. Their mission is to promote reading…
13th December 2013
Brilliant books for children's Christmas presents
I always adored receiving books as presents when I was a little girl and, now I'm a mother, I love it when my children are given books too. A book can open your mind to new worlds, take you on adventures…
30th November 2013
Michael Gove's new curriculum - the cost of reductiveness
I am normally quite a talkative person but even I was rendered speechless when I read this article about some of the many ?Curriculum Cleansing' changes that Michael Gove is planning. For example,…
19th June 2012
So what do we all think about Michael Gove's phonics check? There's been a flurry of Twitter activity in the past few days and lots of arguments for and against. Whatever your view, this week all…
12th June 2012
Preparing your child for going into hospital
Next week, my two-and-a-half year old daughter is going into hospital to have a minor procedure. Because she's so young, I spoke to a friend who works as a Hospital Play Specialist about the best way…
3rd October 2011
Dyslexia - symptoms and learning techniques
One of the team at Perform - let's call her Jane - is dyslexic. I've been aware of this for a long time but I didn't realise until yesterday that she wasn't diagnosed with dyslexia until…