Lucy's blog

Lucy Quick - Principal of Perform

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13th September 2018

Actors are the most resourceful people I know

As somebody who has worked with actors for over 20 years, I very rarely meet one who isn’t incredibly motivated, eager and keen to work in their chosen profession or in other fields. I suppose…

Tags: training, education, actors, performers, dancers, resourceful, Glenda Jackson, soft skills, adaptable

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16th April 2018

Creative choice from Head Teacher saves failing primary school

This week, I shared this article on social media. I read a lot about child development and probably share more articles than my friends and family would thank me for. But this article seemed to strike a…

Tags: education, primary schools, creative arts, performing arts, education cuts, perform for schools

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28th October 2014

Give your children the best education

Do you have a view about education? Most of us do. What is education for? How does it help our children? There are many politicians with extremely strong views about education. Are they right? Do they know…

Tags: education, Sir Ken Robinson, schools, teaching, Gillian Lynne, creativity

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2nd October 2014

What does drama bring to people?

I know I go on about this in my blogs but drama is SO powerful. I'm aware that some people see drama as a dispensable add-on in schools. An extra-curricular activity that's fun but not…

Tags: child development, Debate, children, behaviour, parenting, confidence, concentration, drama, communication skills, education

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12th September 2014

Why drama should be available to all children

I read an article in the Evening Standard recently where writer David Wood, who recently adapted Judith Kerr’s ‘The Tiger Who Came To Tea for the stage, talked about the importance…

Tags: child development, Debate, children, behaviour, parenting, confidence, concentration, drama, communication skills, education

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26th August 2014

A step-by-step guide to the autumn term

  It’s the end of the summer holidays and we are now extremely busy putting the final touches to our curriculum for Autumn Term 2014. When I set up Perform nearly 15 years ago, I wanted…

Tags: child development, children, parenting, confidence, concentration, drama, Activities, communication skills, education

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20th March 2014

Don’t demoralise our teachers, Mr Gove!

  I recently read this in-depth article in The Guardian about the reasons teachers are leaving the profession. A number of teachers are interviewed about how targets and inspections are…

Tags: child development, News, Debate, teachers, education

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30th January 2014

Why drama training can help in business too

My last post about why drama is beneficial prompted some parents to comment on the positive impact attending Perform classes has had on their children. While it's great to receive that feedback, it…

Tags: child development, parenting, kids, confidence, drama, schools, business, teaching, success, communication skills, education, dance and singing

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30th November 2013

Michael Gove's new curriculum - the cost of reductiveness

I am normally quite a talkative person but even I was rendered speechless when I read this article about some of the many ?Curriculum Cleansing' changes that Michael Gove is planning. For example,…

Tags: child development, children, parenting, drama, schools, teaching, teachers, reading, theatre, education, Ofsted, dance and singing

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10th November 2013

Is your child safe at school?

Did anyone read this story recently about a grandfather in Kent who went to pick up his granddaughter and was given the wrong child? He took this child to a doctor's appointment where she was prescribed…

Tags: children, parenting, teachers, education, Ofsted

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