Lucy's blog

Lucy Quick - Principal of Perform

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30th November 2013

Michael Gove's new curriculum - the cost of reductiveness

I am normally quite a talkative person but even I was rendered speechless when I read this article about some of the many ?Curriculum Cleansing' changes that Michael Gove is planning. For example,…

Tags: child development, children, parenting, drama, schools, teaching, teachers, reading, theatre, education, Ofsted, dance and singing

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10th November 2013

Is your child safe at school?

Did anyone read this story recently about a grandfather in Kent who went to pick up his granddaughter and was given the wrong child? He took this child to a doctor's appointment where she was prescribed…

Tags: children, parenting, teachers, education, Ofsted

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1st May 2013

Would longer school hours improve our education standards?

You'd have to have been living on Planet Mars recently not to have heard about Michael Gove's suggestion to have longer school days and shorter holidays and the negative reaction there has been…

Tags: child development, children, schools, Activities, teaching, education, Ofsted

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11th September 2012

When Satisfactory is Unsatisfactory according to Ofsted

Most parents of school-age children will have read (or at least scanned) an Ofsted Report and these undoubtedly play a major part in the choices we make about schools for our children. The best schools…

Tags: children, parenting, schools, teaching, teachers, parents, success, school, education, Ofsted

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