Lucy's blog

Lucy Quick - Principal of Perform

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13th February 2014

Acting should be fun for children - not work

  I found this blog post last night written by film director Ben Gregor (yes – I know it was written last year, but better late than never!). The full article is well worth reading,…

Tags: child development, children, parenting, drama, success, theatre, Agent, child stars, drama as fun, Shirley Temple, dance and singing

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29th November 2012

Why we don't have a theatrical agency at Perform

Here at Perform, we often get contacted by casting directors asking if we can provide them children for auditions. They are generally surprised when we tell them that we that this is not something we do…

Tags: child development, drama, dance and singing, children, parenting, kids, confidence, concentration, Activities, teaching, parents, education, Agent

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