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26th November 2020
Back in March, lockdown arrived without warning and we spent our Easter holiday working on developing Perform At Home. We quickly got 11 of our most experienced Producers up and running and launched our…
1st October 2020
We're back, Covid-Safe and better than ever!
We were hugely excited to reopen our classes in September but it’s fair to say that I did have some apprehension about how we could make it work with ever-changing government guidelines. We were…
29th August 2019
I remember reading the Annabel Karmel recipe books for cooking inspiration when my children were young. One of the pasta sauce recipes she recommended was great because the vegetables were disguised,…
4th April 2019
The 10 skills you need to thrive in the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Some parents think that, when they send their child to Perform, it's about having fun, singing, dancing and acting, and that's certainly true. But's it's also not the whole…
7th February 2019
If you read my blogs regularly, you’ll know that I’m like a broken record when it comes to how fantastic drama is for child development. It’s central to everything we do at Perform. But…
4th January 2019
Doesn’t time fly when you’re having fun? That age-old saying certainly applies to the last 19 years I have spent running Perform. On Tuesday January the 8th, it’s our birthday and…