Hard to believe September's over already, huh? The nights are drawing in (boo, hiss); it keeps on raining (more boos and hisses). So grab yourself a lovely cuppa (or possibly something stronger) and I'll take you through my favourite posts for the month of September...
First up - the wonderful Mummy Zen shares 10 indoor activities for toddlers - and not a moment too soon - nasty old weather!
Over on the Survival Guide for Rookie Moms, Erica & Lorraine share a post about their experiences when they found out at their 33 week scan that their baby had a cleft lip in Why Us?
LvanO talks about the serious and lasting effects bullying can have in sticks and stones may break my bones - unflinchingly honest - it's a must read.
Yummy Mummy No.1 talks big giant high school steps - a gorgeous post about her eldest daughter's first day at new school.
A really thought provoking one from Heidi Scrimgeour on Parent Dish - why I applaud the Mum who tweeted her birth - great comments here too.
If like me you're fascinated by the Northern Lights pop over and check out her amazing photos in the first northern lights -amazing!
Pop over to Rachel's blog and check out an awesome 'kids say the funniest things' moment in say it like it is *giggles*
Then skip over to Frog in the Field - for more giggles in one small step...
Complete the trio with a so funny you might just snort tea out of your nose post from Mary Mac with the spider who gave me penis envy - just hilarious.
And finally! Surely what the internet was invented for - cute videos of kittens! This tickled me more than perhaps it really ought to have done and features perhaps the cutest kitten on the planet.
Well that's all for this month - do let me know about any gems I've missed via the comments x