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Lucy Quick - Principal of Perform

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This Month in the Blogosphere - July 2010

3rd August 2010

Hello and welcome to this month in the blogosphere - July 2010 edition.

Essentially it's a round up post of anything and everything which has made me inadvertently snort tea out of my nostrils, inspired me, made me cry or is otherwise note-worthy. I'm hoping to make this a monthly feature so if you've any suggestions for future inclusions please contact me via twitter or email me - lucyquickk (at) googlemail (dot) com - (oh and yes, that's right - two ks - my proper name was already taken - I'm always late to the party).

So, got your tea / coffee / wine / G & T at the ready? Let's get stuck in:

First up is Positive Thoughts for Annie by MummyZen - a post which is both so sad and yet so inspiring it's a must read. I'm sure you'll all join me in sending some super-strength positive thoughts Annie's way.

Next up, a thought-provoking one from Living with Kids - How do you talk to children about Death & Divorce? - check out the great comments too.

Now for some fun - the fabulous @Jax2000 writes about The Toddler Language Barrier (this was a snort tea out of my nostrils moment) - an absolute joy.

Then on to the so cute it hurts Toy Story 3 Effect from Rosie Scribble - just adorable.

Rachel's back (yay!) and on top form after her blogging break with Long Arms - aaah more cuteness :)

Tara Cain asks What Makes a Perfect Dad? - a wonderful post, and fabulous comments too.

Yummy Mummy No 1 talks Sports Days and whether competition is a good or bad thing - for my money it's the parent's races that cause the real drama!

In the event that heading for the Winchester proves tougher than you'd first hoped- check out MamaPop's 10 Movie/TV Badasses you'll want with you in case of zombie attack - then get their numbers on speed dial - y'know it makes sense, right?

And finally - just because I think these dancers are amazing! Check out this video! (Sorry my dears I would have embedded it so you could watch here, but for some reason computer said no - I'm guessing it's human error).

What did I miss? Please do let me know which posts you've really enjoyed this month & (until next month at least) - that's all folks! x

Just Peachy image credit Bruce Tuten

Tags: parenting, Monthly Round Up, July 2010