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Lucy Quick - Principal of Perform

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Last Month in the Blogosphere - December 2010

10th January 2011

Hello there! Sorry this is so late but I've been rushing around like the proverbial blue-bottomed fly getting everything ready for the new term. Meaning that Christmas and New Year are now long gone - but nonetheless.....

The X Factor is done and dusted, the Strictly Glitter Ball trophy has been held triumphantly aloft (we've still got Dancing on Ice to come)... so why not settle down with a nice cup of tea and browse through my round up of December bits before they become ancient history.

First up is the very lovely Mostly Yummy Mummy - who shares her bake sale fears and offers up a nifty little solution in On the Seventh Day of Christmas

Next up we've Mummy Zen who pulled together a fantastic round up post of tips and ideas for a home-made Christmas in Giving Christmas Presents a Personal Touch - I erm didn't quite manage to achieve a home-made Christmas this year, but I've bookmarked the post for 2011!

Staying with the Christmas theme, Kat from Housewife Confidential shares her own festive traditions in - In Between Years - a really inspiring post.

Swing by Mummy Beadzoid's blog and read her joy-filled post My Baby the Chocolate Snaffler - just gorgeous.

Then pop over to Violet Posy to see the most fabulous Christmas tree I've ever seen in Sparkle

Then head over to Hello It's Gemma and check out her fabulously well observed Dark Vision of Calpol - dooooooom!

If, like me, you are one of the many people who are partial to X Factor you might be interested to read Nickie @ Typecast's post - X Factor. The Results. The Truth. It's really fascinating reading - 15,448,019 calls at a minimum of 35 pence a time!!!

Now I'm frightening late to the party with this one, but it's really too good not to share. Tara at Sticky Fingers shares her own 9/11 experiences in Am I the Only One with fond Memories of 9/11?

Then head over to the Alexander Residence and read Penny's fabulous Listography - as she says it's easy to lose sight of how amazing it is to have children :)

Finally - just for Dawson's Creek fans out there (please tell me you're out there!) go and check out James Van Der Beek's latest project James Van Der Memes - his response to the widely circulated Dawson crying gif. Not sure what I'm blethering about? Check out MTV News for the back story.

That's all folks! Did I miss a corker? Do let me know via the comments x

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Tags: Monthly Round Up, December 2010