Lucy's blog

Lucy Quick - Principal of Perform

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iPads and autism

27th November 2014

As a parent of two young children (5 & 7) I am aware that sometimes they do spend a bit too much time than I’d like on the iPad. But I've always taken the view that, providing you supervise the apps that they use and limit the time sensibly, there probably isn’t a problem.

After all, there are some amazing apps out there designed for fun and educational purposes and our very own Perform apps aim to be both.

My daughter often practises her reading with the Biff and Chip books that we’ve downloaded. She loves the sound effects which really motivate her to keep going. 

However, I was fascinated and excited to read that iPads and tablets more generally can really help children on the autistic spectrum by developing their communication skills because of the ‘predictable and neat’ format of the apps and the fact that they are portable and easier to use than a desktop or laptop. 

One in 50 children globally have some form of autism spectrum disorder and apps and games can visually motivate these children in unique ways.

Autism affects how people communicate and relate to other people. Being able to make eye contact and being affected by loud noises and bright lights are some of the symptoms of this group of neurological conditions.

Using an iPad is predictable and children know what to expect when they tap or slide. Drawing is easier as real pencils and crayons can be tricky to handle. 

For more information see the Autism Spectrum Disorder Foundation website or visit Laptop Mag for the best autism apps. 


Tags: children, iPads, autism spectrum disorder, tablet computers, best autism apps