In writing this post, I'm hoping to sufficiently distract myself from the Easter Treats which I've just purchased for the children... but they are calling my name... just so you know ;)
As a child, my Granny always used to do Easter Egg Hunts for us, and this year, I'm planning to do the same for my two. I clearly remember my Granny's painstakingly typed clues which led us all around her house and through the garden (weather permitting) collecting teeny tiny foil wrapped eggs leading to a treasure trove of chocolate eggs and simnel cake. Marvellous!
Of course nowadays, I think we're all a little more concerned about the amount of chocolate and sweets our children consume so I don't plan to quite so overboard as my Granny used to; and of course I will (selflessly) help them consume the spoils.
If you're planning an Easter Egg Hunt but don't want to offer up too much chocolate, rather than scattering lots of little eggs along the way, you can just have the children collect clues which lead them to their Easter Eggs at the very end of the hunt.
Alternatively, if you don't want to have huge Easter Eggs, just buy the little bite-sized ones and set up a trail (with or without clues depending on the ages of the children) for them to collect.
Or, if you've got older children, why not set up a scavenger hunt? Give them a list of household objects to hunt out and once they've found them all, reward them with their treats!
So what about other Easter activities?
I remember doing various arts and crafts over Easter - anything and everything from painting eggs, making Easter bonnets to creating bunnies and chicks from cotton wool, etc, etc. There are loads of great Easter craft ideas on Songs4Teachers.
Also check out the FrugalFamilyFunBlog for instructions on how to make a lovely Easter bunny hand print.
If you're out and about over Easter, then colouring in is a good way to keep younger children occupied and is particularly useful if you'll be eating out. ActivityVillage has a great range of colouring pages which you can print out.
If you've any Easter games/crafts you'd like to share, links to other great resources, or any further Easter Egg Hunt ideas I'd love to hear them.
OK, so I'm done... I'm sure they won't miss just one itsy bitsy teeny tiny egg... I deserve it, right?
Image credit Migraine Chick