Lucy's blog

Lucy Quick - Principal of Perform

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Five Fabulous Things to Do This Half Term

2nd June 2010

I know we're now half-way through Half-Term but, if you're struggling with inspirational ideas to fill up the last few days, here are a few thoughts that will keep you clear of the theme parks, museums etc.

Whilst doing virtually any kind of activity will involve you in parting with some cash, I've tried to pick some which hopefully won't break the bank! Well... here goes:

1. Get Arty!

Great whatever the weather (if it's looking gloomy, it's a great rainy day activity - or, if it's a day like today, bring the paints outside). Painting pictures is always fun, whether they're finger-painting, using brushes or sponges or trying out potato printing and of course you're not limited to paper either. With child-friendly ceramic paints they can decorate plant pots, mugs or plates; or you might like to try out fabric paints and have them design their own t-shirts.

2. Build an Obstacle Course

We had loads of fun building an obstacle course just last weekend! Use whatever you have around to build your own - e.g. crawl underneath a sheet, jump over the cushions, walk along the skipping rope (laid out on the ground... unless you're an actual tight-rope walker), hop three times on your left leg, three times on the right then race back to the start.

3. Bake

I have such fond memories of baking with my Mum when I was little - of course the chance to eat the spoils is an added bonus! Fairy cakes are always an excellent bet, and of course you can decorate them too. Or if the very idea of baking fills you with terror you can always make something like cornflake cakes which don't require any actual baking - genius!

4. Become a Fashionista

Well - almost! Playing dress up can be lots of fun and with very little encouragement children will be happy to play games in their 'costumes'. I keep a dress up box at home with lots of old clothes and various 'props' (normally things I've bought for costume parties in the past) - e.g. princess tiaras, crowns, Hawaiian leis, swords etc. Be sure to get the camera out and take some photos...

5. Try some Gardening

Given the gorgeous day we're having today, this is a brilliant alternative to hanging round the park as usual. Kids (for the most part at least) love dirt, and what better way to get their hands dirty legitimately with some gardening? Why not give them their own little patch (or pot) and some seeds and get them growing something? Whether you elect to grow vegetables (what better way to get them more interested in eating them?) or flowers it's great fun for children and is educational too. Pop into your local gardening centre for tips on what to grow and when.

So what have you got planned for what's left of Half Term - got any tips, or activities you'd like to share? Do let me know via the comments!

Image credit Christian Cable

Tags: Games, half term, Activities, things to do