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Lucy's blog

Things to Do this Half Term

It's half term next week - seriously, this year is just flying by! As parents, it's often a bit daunting to figure out what to do with the children during half term - particularly in February when the weather can so often work against you. So, I've pulled...

Shout Out for a Sure Start

I'm a big believer in the importance of the Sure Start centres so I was really saddened to hear from one of our venues that the breakfast and after school clubs in Camden and Haringey will all be closing in September. According to a press release from 4children.org.uk,...

Should We Call Time on Fairy Tales?

Earlier this month, I was reading a post on Penny's blog - Reinventing the Fairy Story - in which she said: I struggle with fairy stories that lack girl power. I'm with Fiona in Shrek 4 who said life isn't a fairytale and that she rescued herself from the tower....

Scrapbooking 2010

This time last year I wrote about new year's resolutions - and this year (like the last) I'll be trying to make a couple of small changes and sticking to them, rather than setting myself up for failure :) However, in addition to new year's resolutions, around...

The Eyes Have It

I've been watching Rebecca Ferguson's journey through X Factor with interest. Remember her first audition? Beautiful girl; wonderful voice - and yet as she admitted herself, she's lost confidence. As Simon said "you've got to start looking people...

This Month in the Blogosphere - September 2010

Hard to believe September's over already, huh? The nights are drawing in (boo, hiss); it keeps on raining (more boos and hisses). So grab yourself a lovely cuppa (or possibly something stronger) and I'll take you through my favourite posts for the month of...

How a Spoonful of Perform Helps the Confidence Come Out

Confidence is something that we'd all love to be able to infuse our children with - I'm sure many parents have wished it was something you could bottle and administer now and again. Alas, I fear science still has some way to go on that front... In the meantime,...

First Day at School

Earlier this month, for the first time I really felt like a parent. This might seem like a slightly odd confession given that I have two children; but bear with me and all will become clear :) My eldest is now 3 and this month started doing half-days at a local nursery...

Is Your Child a Perfectionist?

As a (recovering) perfectionist myself, I spent years labouring under the misapprehension that perfectionism was a 'good' thing. It meant I was dedicated, it meant I did a good job, it meant I was focused. However, it also made me pretty unhappy. There's a big...

Summer Activities for Children

Well the Summer holidays are upon us! I really can't believe how this year's flown by! If the Summer holidays have somewhat snuck up on you and you're worried about how you're going to keep your little ones occupied over the break then check out the list...
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