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Lucy's blog

Helping Your Child to Concentrate

Developing concentration skills is a key part in a child's development - and succeeding in any field, be it artistic, sporting or academic requires the ability to concentrate on the task at hand. Concentration is one of what we call the Four Cs (along with confidence,...

Tips to Deal with Bossy Children

Many children reach a 'bossy' stage at one time or another, for most it's simply part of their development - as they develop a stronger sense of self, they want to take more control. This may manifest itself in a number of ways - perhaps in their interactions with...

The Confidence to be Different

"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." - Dr Seuss I love that quote. At Perform, I come into contact with children every day who worry that they're 'different'. All too...

Praising Children

Most parents totally accept the idea that praising children is very important. You can use praise in any number of ways e.g. you've noticed their actions and appreciate them; or you may use praise to recognise and commend their talents or abilities. It can help boost...

What Do You Want to Be?

Today I was chatting with my son about the various jobs which grown ups do - so of course I just had to ask him what he wanted to be when he grew up. His first answer? SpongeBob SquarePants! I suggested maybe he meant he'd like to work in a restaurant like SpongeBob - but...

Balancing Acts

As a parent and as a Principal, I think it's often tricky to strike the balance between giving your child the requisite 'push' and allowing them space to develop in their own time. For example, one of my Perform parents is facing something of a dilemma right...

Spring Cleaning

Spring has sprung! Well slightly. We've had a couple of nice days here in London - I'm seeing crocuses and daffs popping up - so as far as I'm concerned, we're there. The good news - longer, lighter days... the bad news - it's probably time to Spring...

Kids Say The Funniest Things

I was chatting to a few parents after a Perform class this week, when one of the children came running up to me; very excitedly: "Lucy, Lucy - I've got a massive brew - do you want to see?" Amused and somewhat intrigued I said yes, of course. He rolled up...

Helping Your Child Develop Thinking Skills

At Perform we talk a lot about the benefits of drama in terms of child development; we tend to break it down to the four Cs: Confidence; Communication; Concentration and Coordination. Whilst of course drama does indeed benefit children in these core areas, of late I've...

Building Your Child's Confidence

We all want our children to be confident, but some children struggle. At Perform I speak to many parents who are concerned about how little confidence their children have. Some are sceptical that a children's drama class can actually help. After all, asking a child who...
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