Tips for ten - twelve year olds

Child acting in drama class

Your 'little one' is now over ten years old and you'll probably ask yourself - where did the time go?

It wasn't so long ago when they really depended on you. Now they really want to assert their independence, thoughts and ideas. Being ten marks the start of a transitional period, from late childhood to the much-feared, teenage stage. It's almost time to start preparing them for the next stage of school and life.

For now, your child is very content. Relationships, especially with their peer group, are really important. They'll start to value their friends' opinions more highly and they will also be sure of who their best friends are. With peers, your child will express a side of themselves that you probably won't see - which is important to the development of their identity. At Perform, it's wonderful to see lots of little friendships forming; friendships which often outlast the children's time with us.

Lucy Quick - Principal of Perform

At this age, it's not too late to encourage positive behaviours (like helping with the household chores) before the years of teenage rebellion truly hit. Ten year olds are still eager to please parents at this age - so take advantage of this!

You might also find that your 10-12 year old is beginning to take an interest in lots of different activities. They often become quite skilled at certain sports and pastimes. Although a lot of ten year olds do enjoy TV and computer games, they are not content to just sit at home, they want a balance of both indoor and outdoor activity.

Here are some of my thoughts on issues that may be of interest to parents of 10-12 year olds. Comments and suggestions are always much appreciated!

Child acting in drama class
Angry child
Child discipline
Kids dancing in drama school
Peer Pressure
secondary school

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