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Lucy's blog

Christmas Car Journeys - A Survivors' Guide

Many of us make trips to visit family and friends around Christmas and of course over the New Year. As such I get lots of questions from frazzled parents enquiring whether I have any tips to make those long Christmas car journeys go smoothly. Well, smoothly might be...

The Long & the Short of it...

Earlier this week I read with interest an article on the SchoolGate blog by Sarah Ebner. I don't want to re-hash the article here, but by way of giving a little background - the article detailed the experiences of another parent, Joanne Mallon who has a son who is small...

Christmas - The Rules

This post has been inspired by a couple of other lovely posts which I've read today from Wahm-Bam! and Metropolitan Mum. So December's rapidly approaching and I'm somewhat in denial. Every year I promise myself that I won't be last-minute about all things...

The Vetting & Barring Scheme

October saw the launch of the new Vetting & Barring Scheme (VBS). The new scheme has come about as a result of the Bichard Inquiry which followed the murders of Jessica Chapman and Holly Wells in 2002. In it, Sir Michael Bichard recommended that: "New arrangements...

What's in a Name?

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet.*" It's a fabulous quote and one which springs to my mind whenever the subject of baby names comes up in conversation. But the truth is, naming your child is perhaps one...
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