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Lucy's blog

Surviving the Supermarket

Thank goodness for 24 hour supermarkets. Often I tuck the little ones up in bed and leave the hubby to watch them and then go off to the supermarket all by myself. Late at night it's often nigh on heavenly... Or as close to heavenly as the weekly shop can get! I...

Dealing with Other People's Children

Pretty much everyone who works at Perform deals with other people's children on a regular basis. For the most part, the children are pretty well behaved. They are often high spirited so the challenge is normally getting them to focus their energies. But of course from...

Sibling Rivalry

Whilst sibling rivalry is common, it can be nonetheless upsetting for all involved. As a parent and as someone who deals with children on a daily basis, I've both experienced it first hand and have had numerous conversations with parents who are struggling too. So,...

Balancing Acts

As a parent and as a Principal, I think it's often tricky to strike the balance between giving your child the requisite 'push' and allowing them space to develop in their own time. For example, one of my Perform parents is facing something of a dilemma right...

Is Three a Crowd?

Depending on your point of view, three is either a crowd; or perhaps the magic number - anyone else remember De La Soul? (I'm showing my age, huh? :)) What about when it comes to friends? I was chatting to a parent this week - she was expressing concerns about her...

Spring Cleaning

Spring has sprung! Well slightly. We've had a couple of nice days here in London - I'm seeing crocuses and daffs popping up - so as far as I'm concerned, we're there. The good news - longer, lighter days... the bad news - it's probably time to Spring...

Kids Say The Funniest Things

I was chatting to a few parents after a Perform class this week, when one of the children came running up to me; very excitedly: "Lucy, Lucy - I've got a massive brew - do you want to see?" Amused and somewhat intrigued I said yes, of course. He rolled up...

Building Your Child's Confidence

We all want our children to be confident, but some children struggle. At Perform I speak to many parents who are concerned about how little confidence their children have. Some are sceptical that a children's drama class can actually help. After all, asking a child who...

Eating Out with Your Child

Eating out should be fun, right? Sadly, I know some parents who've given up on eating out with their children altogether as they've found the experience entirely too much of a trauma to bother with. I love eating out (no cooking, no washing up - what's not to...

The Lunch Box Debate

With the latest furore around packed lunches - just 1% meeting the basic nutritional standards apparently; I can't help but feel that as parents we're set for yet another bashing. I agree wholeheartedly that nutrition is important, and of course the findings of the...
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