Lucy's blog

Lucy Quick - Principal of Perform

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This Month in the Blogosphere - October 2010

6th November 2010

So how was your October? Hope you all had an amazing Half Term and Halloween!

As usual it's been all go here so sorry this is about a week late. Am now thinking about Christmas and promising myself that I really will be more organised this year - well here's hoping!

Now the clocks have gone back and the evenings are a little darker go make yourself a lovely mug of hot chocolate (or possibly something a little stronger!) and check out my my favourite posts from October...

First up from Mediocre Mun - Who's the Largest Distributor of Toys in the World? - it's not Hamleys, Toys R Us or Disney - I was shocked at who it was!

Next up a post from A Mother's Ramblings - (erm actually this was posted in September so I'm 'fashionably' late to the party - nonetheless this is just too good not to include) Helping your Children Learn to Love to Read - absolutely awesome!

Feel all warm and fuzzy inside by reading Sixteen Years Ago Today from Mostly Yummy Mummy - it's lovely.

Go grab a dose of cute on Mummy New - How Much Fun can you have with a Cardboard Box? - Loads and loads and loads!

Then read this and promise yourself you really will start baking with your kids more. Oh and because everything tastes better with icing... well not everything, but buns definitely do.

Then hop over to The Alexander Residence where Penny asks Can Blogging Make You Happier? - very thought provoking...

A similarly thought provoking post from Susan K Mann on Balancing Work & Family Life - it's definitely a juggling act for me!

And finally - a little fun. Did you think paper, scissors, stone was a simple game of chance? Nuh uh. Check out this infographic and never lose a game again...

Still here? Giggle at this:

... Then realise that you're not really sure what the internet is either :)


So what did I miss? Do let me know via the comments xxx

Halloween image credit

Tags: Monthly Round Up, October 2010, halloween