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Lucy Quick - Principal of Perform

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Christmas - The Rules

23rd November 2009

This post has been inspired by a couple of other lovely posts which I've read today from Wahm-Bam! and Metropolitan Mum.

So December's rapidly approaching and I'm somewhat in denial. Every year I promise myself that I won't be last-minute about all things Christmas-related. Instead I will be a picture of calm and efficient organisation - the perfect domestic goddess, the likes of which makes the rest of the frazzled parent population green with envy.

I shall almost certainly fail. But nonetheless it's lovely to dream.

Please find to follow the Christmas Rules to which I aspire, if not actually adhere :)

  1. All Christmas shopping will be completed before December begins and the shops become completely unbearable. Likewise any online shopping will be completed before December 1st so it has plenty of time to arrive; for me to be out; for it to be redelivered; for me to forget and be out again; and eventually for me to schlep to the sorting office to collect it.
  2. Likewise all presents will be beautifully wrapped, complete with twiddly ribbony bits before Christmas Eve. This will enable me to have a lovely relaxed Christmas Eve, rather than one filled with dread because, once I finally settle the little ones, I know I have several hours of wrapping ahead of me.
  3. I will not get all 'Monica' about the tree. Instead I will make decorating the tree a family affair, and not concern myself with such trivialities as unevenly distributed baubles.
  4. The children will not catch me eating Santa's mince pie, or drinking his sherry.
  5. On Christmas morning I will awake feeling wonderfully refreshed and excited about the day.
  6. There will be Bucks Fizz to accompany the unwrapping of the Christmas stocking presents.
  7. I will take lots of photos.
  8. At lunch we will all wear the hats from our crackers even though they make your head itch after a while.
  9. The turkey will be amazing - not in the slightest bit dry and certainly not a health hazard due to under-cooking.
  10. There will be plenty of roast potatoes.
  11. I will not worry that no one will eat the sprouts.
  12. I will successfully light the Christmas Pudding, without setting fire to my hair.
  13. After Christmas lunch we will play a board game, and it will be fun.
  14. We will then watch some TV and fall asleep.
  15. Despite eating my own weight in roast potatoes I will not gain so much as a pound. In fact when I step on the scales on Boxing Day I will be exactly two pounds lighter.

Hmmm... A little unrealistic perhaps.


The truth is that despite the chaos and stress of a normal family Christmas chez moi - I really wouldn't change anything. There will inevitably be an argument or two. I will probably be up late wrapping presents. The turkey, sadly may be a little on the dry side (I am very scared of food poisoning) - but that's why we have gravy, right?

The children will love it; I will love seeing their faces as they open their presents; and I will feel a little sad when it's all over for another year.

Image credit SamDogs

Tags: christmas, Rules