Geography - key stage one

Teacher and pupil

An African Adventure

A cultural leap to the vast continent of Africa and an exploration of the people, their music, customs and the local flora and fauna.

  • Learning an African Chant
  • Acting out a traditional African story
  • Improvising characteristics of African animals
  • Exploring historic African ways of life in different tribes

Learning objectives:

  • To recognise and discuss similarities and differences between the UK and Africa
  • To name the world's seven continents
  • To describe why animals in Africa are suited to their habitat
  • To perform dances using simple movement patterns

Around the World

An exciting, globe-trotting journey with tour guide Phileas Fogg, in which emphasis is placed on world music, language and culture.

  • Global themes in world music & national dances
  • Learning hello and goodbye in various languages
  • Visiting countries with different flora and fauna
  • Travelling to Egypt to perform the Pyramid Rap

Learning objectives:

  • To celebrate different cultures
  • To recognise diversity around the world

Rumble in the Jungle

A fascinating look at the jungle habitat with strong environmental links and group improvisational work.

  • Exploring the characteristics of different jungle animals
  • Discovering predators and prey in the Don't Trust A Cheetah song
  • Discussing animals and their food in the Banana Pie rap
  • Going on an expedition to save the last white tiger from extinction

Learning objectives:

  • To listen to a range of music
  • To use our voices expressively and creatively by singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes


A thought-provoking session exploring the local environment. Uncovers the environment's impact on our everyday lives and the flora and fauna diversity.

  • Improvising an excursion to a local forest
  • Mini-Beast character work and role-play
  • Discussing ways we can preserve the environment
  • Comparing the differences between large and small plants

Learning objectives:

  • To talk about different minibeasts
  • To talk about how minibeasts are different and the same
  • To represent their ideas through role play
  • To compare the home of mini beasts to the home of humans

NB. This workshops is suitable for Foundation and KS1.

Weather around the World

An imaginative movement-based workshop focusing on climates around the globe, extreme forms of weather and the harsh conditions found in certain countries.

  • Helping Wendy the Weather Reporter prepare a forecast
  • Travelling in the Weather Capsule through the different climate zones.
  • Improvising and sound scaping the characteristics of different weather conditions

Learning objectives:

  • To identify seasonal and daily weather patterns in the UK
  • To compare weather in hot and cold countries
  • To consider the equator in relation to changes in the weather