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Lucy's blog

Are we REALLY still discussing whether women should work or not?

I was watching BBC Breakfast on Monday morning and there was a debate on between two working mothers about whether women should feel guilty about working. The two mums were expressing different views on the subject. My immediate thought was ?Are we REALLY still discussing...

Would longer school hours improve our education standards?

You'd have to have been living on Planet Mars recently not to have heard about Michael Gove's suggestion to have longer school days and shorter holidays and the negative reaction there has been to this. Mr Gove believes that our school system was designed for a...

Cracking the Whip

There was a really great piece by journalist Tanith Carey in the Sunday Times in December which I've been meaning to blog about for ages and I urge you to read. It's all about her daughter Lily's meltdown at the age of 11 owing to being continually ?pushed'...

Why our child safety will always be annoyingly strict!

I found a review on Mumsnet about Perform the other day. The Mum was waxing lyrical about us and how great our classes are. Her only one complaint was that our Safety Procedures were a little too strict and somewhat annoying. It transpired that the child's father (and...

Ditch the TV this Christmas Day

I blogged about Christmas films last week and it made me think about the central role that television plays in the UK's Christmas Day celebrations. From the Queen's speech to countless Christmas specials and ,of course, classic Christmas Day films like The Wizard of...

The Best Christmas Films

My three year old daughter is a massive fan of classic musical films such as Annie, The Sound of Music and The Wizard of Oz. She likes nothing more than to curl up on the sofa and mouth along the words. Luckily, she has a Mum who is quite happy to sit and watch them with her...

Early childhood stimulation - why three is the magic number

A friend forwarded me a really interesting article by journalist Simon Kuper in the FT magazine recently. It tells the story of how, in Jamaica in the 1980s, a group of community health workers began to make weekly visits to babies whose growth had been stunted by infection...

Why we don't have a theatrical agency at Perform

Here at Perform, we often get contacted by casting directors asking if we can provide them children for auditions. They are generally surprised when we tell them that we that this is not something we do and we don't have a theatrical agency attached to our...

When Satisfactory is Unsatisfactory according to Ofsted

Most parents of school-age children will have read (or at least scanned) an Ofsted Report and these undoubtedly play a major part in the choices we make about schools for our children. The best schools attract the most aspirational involved parents while the worst are...

Starting primary school - 5 top tips

My son starts primary school in September and he's incredibly excited about it. It feels like a real milestone moving from a nursery to a ?big school' especially as he hasn't been at the school's nursery. I've been asking around to find for tips to make...
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