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Lucy's blog

Helping Your Child to Concentrate

Developing concentration skills is a key part in a child's development - and succeeding in any field, be it artistic, sporting or academic requires the ability to concentrate on the task at hand. Concentration is one of what we call the Four Cs (along with confidence,...

Tips to Deal with Bossy Children

Many children reach a 'bossy' stage at one time or another, for most it's simply part of their development - as they develop a stronger sense of self, they want to take more control. This may manifest itself in a number of ways - perhaps in their interactions with...

Surviving the Supermarket

Thank goodness for 24 hour supermarkets. Often I tuck the little ones up in bed and leave the hubby to watch them and then go off to the supermarket all by myself. Late at night it's often nigh on heavenly... Or as close to heavenly as the weekly shop can get! I...

Dealing with Other People's Children

Pretty much everyone who works at Perform deals with other people's children on a regular basis. For the most part, the children are pretty well behaved. They are often high spirited so the challenge is normally getting them to focus their energies. But of course from...

Sibling Rivalry

Whilst sibling rivalry is common, it can be nonetheless upsetting for all involved. As a parent and as someone who deals with children on a daily basis, I've both experienced it first hand and have had numerous conversations with parents who are struggling too. So,...

Is Three a Crowd?

Depending on your point of view, three is either a crowd; or perhaps the magic number - anyone else remember De La Soul? (I'm showing my age, huh? :)) What about when it comes to friends? I was chatting to a parent this week - she was expressing concerns about her...

Helping Your Child Develop Thinking Skills

At Perform we talk a lot about the benefits of drama in terms of child development; we tend to break it down to the four Cs: Confidence; Communication; Concentration and Coordination. Whilst of course drama does indeed benefit children in these core areas, of late I've...

Building Your Child's Confidence

We all want our children to be confident, but some children struggle. At Perform I speak to many parents who are concerned about how little confidence their children have. Some are sceptical that a children's drama class can actually help. After all, asking a child who...

Should You Encourage Children to Make New Year's Resolutions?

Well, it's a brand new year, and (for some at least) I'm guessing that New Year's resolutions are front of mind. They certainly are on the Supernanny website, where they've compiled a list of potential New Year's resolutions for kids. On the face of it,...

Helping Your Child Adjust to a New Baby

This week I thought I'd share a story about my own experiences as a Mum. Our son was 23 months when I brought our daughter home for the first time. Now, there are lots of different opinions over what to do when introducing a new baby to your toddler for the first time....
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